Volunteer Information 

We appreciate all our parent volunteers – we could not run the program without your help. To ensure an enjoyable game day for all, please keep these key points in mind when you volunteer for a shift:

Snack Bar / Booster Table: - No phones, unless it is an emergency. - If there is down time please check in with the attending board member, something always needs to be cleaned. - Do not leave during your shift (this includes ordering food at the snack bar). - Purses/bags/chairs can no longer be stored in the snack bar (unfortunately, due to a lack of storage space).

Field / Front Gate Security: - Please keep the field gate closed as much as possible. If you ask people to leave the field but they are not listening, please text a board member for help. A board member will always be available in the Snack Bar or the Triangle area of entry. - Please stay at the front gate. You may not walk over to watch the game that is going on, you are needed at the front. We will also be relocating the table to directly in front of the opening which means direct sunlight in the morning, please plan accordingly. - NO CHILDREN ARE ALLOWED TO BE WITH YOU DURING YOUR SHIFT. No children are allowed inside the snack bar, in the boosters booth, or at the front gate. We strategically schedule all volunteer shifts before or after your game and need 100% participation, so please make arrangements for childcare.

Volunteering Requirments  - Each family will be required to work a maximum of 12 hours. Families with multiple children participating in the program will be asked to work a maximum of 20 hours. Once the volunteer schedule is prepared, parents will be given two weeks to sign up via a Sign-Up Genius website link. After that, any unfilled shifts will be assigned to those who have not signed up. If you wish to opt out of volunteering, please email your team mom and your $500 volunteer check will be cashed. Please note, we do not want to cash your check! - We need adults willing to do their part, to make this the amazing organization that it is.

Volunteering Guidelines: - You may not, under any circumstances, bring your child (of any age) with you during your shift. - All volunteers are asked to check in for their shift 10 minutes early to allow the person you are relieving to go watch their child play/cheer. Volunteer check-in is right outside the snack bar entry door on the green box. You will need to use the pen to initial that you are checking in for your shift. Once checked in, please go to your designated volunteer location & let the person working know that you are taking over for them. If you are leaving your shift, please update the person taking over on anything they need to know for that position. - You may have a friend or family member work your shift for you, but they MUST be 18 years of age or older. Please be sure that your friend/family member knows where they are to go to check in.

Volunteer Position Descriptions:

 Front Gate: Collect entrance fees for home game. Adults $8, Children $5, Senior Citizen’s $5, 2025 SAC Badges Free (Opening shift will be asked to set up table & pop-up at entrance gate) 

 Front Gate Security: Stand at entry gate and inform incoming patrons if they have any items that are not allowed (dogs, ice chests, outside food & drink). Please note, most people are very understanding as we have signage up but if anyone has any concerns, there is a board member available for assistance. 

 Field Gate Security: This position sits at the field entrance to ensure only players, coaches, cheerleaders, board members, and 2025 SAC badges enter the field. If they are an adult and do not have a field pass (board/coach’s badge), they are not allowed onto the field without board member approval.

Announcer: Each game the announcer plays music during time-outs, plays music provided by cheer during half time & announces the action on the field. (It would be preferable that this is the same person for every home game but is not required)

Spotter: This person has binoculars and is the "eyes" of our announcer. They will be reading jersey numbers & watching the refs to confirm the ballon the field. (It would be preferable that this is the same person for every home game but is not required) 

Boosters: This is a 2-person position. You sell WJT swag at the booster booth including tracking what is sold.

Snack Bar: There are 2 window positions & 4 food/runner positions per shift. The window positions take the orders & handle the cash transactions. The window worker will yell out the order and the runners will fill the order. It works best with 2 runners behind the window workers (for nachos, pretzels, salads, etc) and 2 people at the other end making burgers & dogs and filling sodas. 

 Snack Bar Grill: This is a 2-person position. There are usually 2 grills going. Normally one person does the grill and the other is a runner, bringing the cooked food into the snack bar and replenishing the items to be cooked. 

 Field Set Up: Assists the WJT Board in setting up the high school fields for game day. You will work with our game day coordinator to prepare the field for the first game of the day. 

Field Cleanup: Assists in the cleaning up after the last game of the day. You will work with the game day coordinator to clean up/close down the field after the last game of the day. 

Bleacher Cleaning/Field Help: This is done during the Jr. Midgets & 1Midgets games. You will collect a trash bag from the snack bar and walk through both sides of the bleachers to collect any trash that has been left in the bleachers. This will need to be done at the beginning of the game, during half time and again at the end of the game. 


Homecoming Day Help: This position will help with the pre-game & post-game festivities. You will help direct the kids on where they need to go on the field during their announcements, help pick up after the players have run through their poster and then hand out candy bags at the end of the game. This is a new position, so the specifics are still being discussed. 

Chain Gang: 3-person position for away games ONLY. 1 person uses the down marker signifying what down it is. The other 2 people use the chains to mark the play location. 

 PAR: 1 person position to keep track of how many plays each player receives for each game. 

 Cheer Facility Cleaning: This is done twice per week and is done in one-hour shifts. This task includes vacuuming and dusting the cheer facility along with wiping down the bathroom. 

 Team Photographer: Photograph all games, football players & cheerleaders. Create & manage a team Shutterfly account. Upload weekly photos to the site. Please share the Shutterfly account information with the team parent, who will email the information out to the football team and cheer families. Make an end of the season video, set to music that highlights all the players & coaches and upload it to a private YouTube link. Please let the team parent know if you need assistance with this task. 

Email any questions to Wanda: volunteercoordinator@jrtwolves.com